“The Court concludes that these allegations are insufficient,” Fogel wrote in his order. “At the least, Plaintiffs must identify the particular commercial or advertisement upon which they relied and must describe with the requisite specificity the content of that particular commercial or advertisement.”
Fogel gave Balthazar, Keller and Browning 30 days to file an amended complaint that must add the specifics he cited.
Judecatorul a dat partilor un termen de 30 de zile in care sa isi revizuiasca, cererea altfel cazul va fi clasat. Orice dispozitiv se incalzeste dupa o folosire indelungata iar iDevice-urile folosite in zone cu temperaturi ridicate pot afisa mesaje de avertizare. Aceste mesaje au rolul de a proteja dispozitivul impotriva unor stricaciuni insa de obicei acest gen de avertismente apar foarte rar. Eu, spre exemplu, nu am avut pana acum “placerea” de a avea acel mesaj afisat pe iPhone.