geohot inchide sesiunea de donatii, intentioneaza sa isi angajeze cativa avocati noi

In weekend v-am spus ca geohot a deschis un nou blog unde cere donatii pentru a-si plati avocatii care il reprezinta in instanta in lupta impotriva companiei Sony. Au trecut abia 3 zile si geohot a inchis aceasta sesiune de donatii semn ca a strans deja o suma importanta de bani cu care intentioneaza sa isi angajeze cativa avocati noi. Sony l-a dat in judecata pe geohot pentru ca a dezvoltat o solutie de jailbreak pentru PlayStation 3, solutie care in opinia celor de la Sony da utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a pirata jocuri. Pana acum Sony a castigat in instanta dreptul de a analiza echipamentele informatice ale lui geohot cu care a dezvoltat solutia de jailbreak, insa procesul continua.

Va voi tine la curent cu modul in care se desfasoara procesul intentat impotriva lui geohot si a membrilor echipei failoverfl0w.

Thank you so so much for all of your help, things are looking up money wise.
Expect to see a few more lawyers on my responses!
I have enough to cover my legal fees for the time being.
And in the absolute worst case scenario, we don’t want Sony getting it 😛

For now, the best thing you can do is spread the word
Let people know how Sony treats customers
Let people know Sony would rather sue than be proactive and try to fix the problem
Let people know about laws like the DMCA which stifle innovation, and don’t do anything to fix the problems they were created to solve

I will keep this blog updated as the case develops.

This post was last modified on feb. 22, 2011, 9:33 AM 09:33

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