Inca de la lansarea primelor asa-zise carcase pentru tableta iPad 2 s-a vorbit despre cat de subtire va fi noua tableta in comparatie cu actualul model. In imaginile din acest articol avem un prototip de tableta iPad 2 facuta de un japonez care incearca sa ne arate care vor fi diferentele dintre iPad si iPad 2. Daca e sa ne luam dupa aceste imagini atunci iPad 2 ar urma sa fie mult mult mai subtire decat iPad, in fapt ar trebui sa aiba o grosime injumatatita fata de iPad.
Our monthly meeting of the parts procurement and manufacturing of original products repair, go to Shenzhen in the case or buying accessories. This city has a variety of products and components are distributed in the city say the head temple of PCs and mobile phones.In some cases manufacturing plant next to the city in December 2010 iPad (iPad 2) model (a simple reproduction of original size) seen.In some cases the factory since then have seen a product called iPad2 case.
Desigur ca pe blogul japonez unde au fost publicate pozele sunt furnizate informatii care indica faptul ca asa va arata tableta iPad 2, insa abia pe 2 martie vom afla cum a ales Apple sa produca noul model al tabletei iPad.
This post was last modified on feb. 23, 2011, 8:28 PM 20:28