Video: SkyFire 3.0 disponibil in AppStore

Versiunea 3.0 a browserului SkyFire a fost lansata astazi in AppStore aducand destul de multe noutati importante pentru posesorii de iDevices. Folosind SkyFire posesorii de iDevices pot viziona clipuri video in format flash pe aproape orice site web. Acesta este singurul browser care permite o asemenea functionalitate deoarece preia continutul video flash, il transforma in HTML5 prin serverele SkyFire si il retransmite catre iDevice-urile noastre. Aplicatia poate fi folosita atat printr-o retea 3G cat si printr-o retea Wi-Fi Apple neimpunand vreo restrictie in acest sens.

Iata ce aduce nou SkyFire 3.0 :

  • More Video – We enhanced our capabilities to give you more Flash video from more sites. Flash videos will get mobile optimized for your device and network and gives you smooth video playback that saves you lots of bandwidth and money.
  • Popular Content – Our favorite new feature; instantly see what content on any given site is most popular with your friends and within the Facebook community. Recommendations from friends are prioritized and show up at the top of the list.
  • FireplaceTM Feed Reader – A simple but addictive tool that provides a filtered list of your Facebook feed that only includes links to web pages, images, and videos posted by your Facebook friends. A great place to start for browsing.
  • Facebook Portal Integration – With a single touch you have access to your Facebook feed, profile and fast-growing location service Places. No need to switch between apps.
    Facebook Like Button – Skyfire 3.0 puts the Facebook Like Button on EVERY PAGE of the Internet. No scrolling around searching for the button on the page, simply click on the SkyBarTM Like Button to easily “like” or “unlike” the page you are viewing.
  • Skyfire OneTouch SearchTM – Enter a single search term and choose between Google, Video (from VideoSurf), or Wikipedia with a single touch without the need to navigate to separate sites.

Doar versiunea pentru iPhone/iPod Touch a aplicatiei a fost actualizata.

Pretul initial:
Skyfire Web Browser




Developer: Skyfire Labs, Inc.
Categoria: Utilities


Descriere: Please read the ‘need to know section’ before buying!

Please note:

Skyfire has a separate browser available for iPad users!
Skyfire supports Flash VIDEOS on many of your favorite websites.


Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 3.7 Mb



This post was last modified on mart. 3, 2011, 11:32 AM 11:32

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