iPad 2 – primele review-uri publicate aseara

Aseara Apple a lansat oficial iOS 4.3 in iTunes insa a dat si unda verde pentru publicarea review-urilor pentru tableta iPad 2. Folosind Geekbench, cei de la Engadget au reusit sa confirme ca iPad 2 are intr-adevar 512MB RAM inclusi insa procesorul era afisat ca avand o frecventa de doar 800Mhz, probabil datorita faptului ca atinge viteza de 1 Ghz doar cand este folosind de aplicatii ce necesita multe resurse. Camerele terminalului au fost catalogate drept foarte slabe de catre toti cei care au facut review  iar clipul video de mai sus este o foarte buna dovada in acest sens. Camera are in jur de 0.7 megapixeli insa este capabila sa filmeze in format 720p. Viteza de navigare este net superioara tabletei iPad iar iPad 2 se descurca extrem de bine chiar si cu mai multe tab-uri deschise. In concluzie iPad 2 este net superioara iPad si probabil este net superioara restului tabletelor de pe piata.

Iata cele mai importante review-uri pentru iPad 2, va recomand sa le cititi, eu voi face unul dupa ce ajunge a mea.

  • Joshua Topolsky: It might frustrate the competition to hear this, but it needs to be said: the iPad 2 isn’t just the best tablet on the market, it feels like the only tablet on the market. As much as we’d like to say that something like the Xoom has threatened Apple’s presence in this space, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to do that. Is the iPad 2 a perfect product? Absolutely not. The cameras are severely lacking, the screen — while extremely high quality — is touting last year’s spec, and its operating system still has significant annoyances, like the aggravating pop-up notifications. [Engadget]
  • John Gruber: The iPad 2 is a solid second-generation iteration. Easier and more comfortable to hold, noticeably faster, equippable with foldable covers that are both literally and figuratively magnetic. Like last year’s iPhone 4, it seems like technology from the near future. [Daring Fireball]
  • Vincent Nguyen: On most levels, then, the iPad 2 over-delivers. By boosting speed and graphics performance while simultaneously slimming down the chassis and preserving battery life, Apple has maintained its core strengths and extended its lead in what are arguably the toughest areas rivals faces. Sure, a Retina Display would have been great, and high-resolution camera, but it’s relatively straightforward to drop those into the next iPad; it’s a whole lot more difficult to make a super-thin tablet with 10+ hours of runtime. [SlashGear
  • Jason Snell: For Apple’s competitors in the tablet-device market, the iPad 2 is a bucket of water to the face. After more than a year of struggling to catch up to the original iPad, here’s a new model that addresses many of the iPad’s deficiencies, dramatically improves its speed, and doesn’t cede any ground on price, features, or battery life. The iPad 2 raises the bar Apple set a year ago—and it’s time for the rest of the industry to scramble again to catch up. [Macworld]
  • MG Siegler: In terms of the other competition out there that doesn’t begin with a lowercase “i”, it’s becoming clearer by the day that most don’t yet stack up well against the iPad 1, let alone iPad 2. I’ve only played with a Xoom for a few minutes, and I was generally impressed, but apparently it’s very, very buggy. Just listen to Jason talk about it here. The tablets from RIM and HP aren’t out yet, and the pricing details around them don’t sound too promising. Further, the app support support for all the rivals isn’t too promising right now either. That’s one of the iPad 2′s greatest advantages that doesn’t show up on a spec sheet. [TechCrunch]
  • Ed Baig: The iPad 2 doesn’t deliver everything on your tablet wish list. But when it comes to the ever-evolving state of the art, iPad 2 is second to none. [USA Today]
  • Walt Mossberg: As new contenders move into the field, Apple isn’t likely to keep its 90% share of the booming tablet market. But the iPad 2 moves the goal posts, by being slimmer and lighter, boosting speed and power, and holding its price advantages, available apps and battery life. As of now, I can comfortably recommend it as the best tablet for average consumers. [WSJ]
  • David Pogue: Thousands of news and entertainment Web sites still rely on Flash, and the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch simply can’t display them. But you know what? The iPad will still dominate the market, because it dominates in all the most important criteria: thinness, weight, integration, beauty — and apps. [NYT]

This post was last modified on mart. 10, 2011, 11:53 AM 11:53

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