V-am spus acum cateva zile ca Rovio pregateste un nou update important pentru aplicatia Angry Birds si astazi a fost lansata in AppStore o noua versiune pentru Angry Birds Seasons. Aceasta noua versiune este dedicata sarbatorii Sfantului Patrick “tinuta” de irlandezii din toata lumea si cum in SUA exista comunitati foarte mari de irlandezi Rovio s-a gandit sa le faca o surpriza cu o noua versiune a Angry Birds. Update-ul poate fi instalat din aplicatia Angry Birds Seasons pe care o puteti descarca din AppStore. El costa 0.79€ si aduce urmatoarele noutati :
• 15 lucky green levels
• 2 new Golden Eggs and a St. Paddy’s Day surprise
• Pots of gold everywhere!
Noua versiune a jocului este disponibila atat pentru iPhone cat si pentru iPad.
We’d like to take this opportunity to wish everybody Happy St. Patrick’s Day and may the Luck of the Irish be with you! We thank you sincerely from the bottoms of our fluffy hearts for putting Angry Birds in the iTunes App Store Hall of Fame!
Angry Birds Seasons
Descriere: Angry Birds Seasons: Happy St. Patricks Day!
As we all know, every season is an Angry Birds season. After Trick Or Treat, Seasons Greedings and Hogs and Kisses, Angry Birds Seasons returns with the greenest episode yet: Go Green for St. Patricks Day!
Angry Birds Seasons HD
Descriere: Angry Birds Seasons: Happy St. Patricks Day!
As we all know, every season is an Angry Birds season. After Trick Or Treat, Seasons Greedings and Hogs and Kisses, Angry Birds Seasons returns with the greenest episode yet: Go Green for St. Patricks Day!
This post was last modified on mart. 10, 2011, 9:07 AM 09:07