V-am spus acum cateva zile ca Firemint, compania producatoare a jocului Real Racing 2, intentioneaza sa lanseze in AppStore un update pentru popularul joc, update care va face jocul compatibil cu tableta iPad 2 ce va fi disponibila incepand de astazi. Desi compania anuntase ca acest update va fi disponibil in AppStore abia peste o bucata buna de timp, iata ca in cursul serii trecute el a fost lansat, aducand cateva noutati in zona graficii, noutati special dezvoltate pentru iPad 2 si chipul sau grafic :
- For iPad 2, full-screen anti-aliasing, fully-modeled vehicle interiors visible through translucent windows, high-detail objects and surfaces and enhanced reflections
- Full support for iPad 2’s gyroscope for precision steering
Real Racing 2 HD
Are you ready for the ultimate racing experience for iOS Optimized specifically for iPad and iPad 2, Real Racing 2 HD is a heart-pounding, visually astounding 3D racer puts the steering wheel directly in your hands. An expansive, 10-plus hour career mode …
ChAIR Entertainment nu se lasa mai prejos si anunta ca jocul Infinity Blade va fi actualizat in viitorul apropiat pentru a fi compatibil cu iPad 2. Saptamana trecuta a fost lansat ultimul update pentru acest joc deci probabil va mai dura cateva zile bune pana vom putea descarca noua versiune a aplicatiei din AppStore insa va fi interesant de vazut ce anume vor implementa cei de la ChAIR special pentru iPad 2.
One of the most popular gaming apps released to date, the ground-breaking Infinity Blade will be updated tomorrow with new optimizations specifically for iPad 2. Taking advantage of the processing power of iPad 2, Infinity Blade looks and plays better than ever and is the ultimate show off your iPad 2s graphics prowess” app!
This post was last modified on mart. 11, 2011, 8:59 AM 08:59