Vreti sa stiti secretul din spatele noilor huse SmartCover? Ei bine iFixIt a facut un teardown si acestora iar in spatele huselor se ascund nu mai putin de 21 de magneti care fixeaza accesoriul pe tableta iPad 2. Credeati ca doar 21 de magneti “lucreaza” pentru a ne aduce magia “husei destepte”? Ei bine nu deoarece in interiorul tabletei iPad 2 se afla inca 10 magneti dupa care husa se aliniaza singura. Magnetul din partea stanga a husei se aliniaza exact pe suprafata tabletie astfel incat totul sa fie aliniat perfect si sistemul de inchidere/deschidere a tabletei sa functioneze perfect. In total 31 de magneti lucreaza pentru a produce “magia” aratata de Steve Jobs la prezentarea iPad 2.
Acum veti intreba cum anume functioneaza noul sistem de inchidere/deschidere al tabletei nu? In iPad 2 se gaseste un sleep sensor care interactioneaza cu un magnet al husei si atunci cand magnetul se apropie tableta se inchide iar cand el este indepartat tableta se deschide automat. Acest senzor este plasat in partea dreapta a tabletei unde aceasta se inchide si este acompaniat de inca 4 magneti care tin husa lipita de tableta atunci cand ea este inchisa. Interesant este ca aceasta carcasa are 15 magneti plasati in partea dreapta si o bucata de metal plasata in partea stanga care fixeaza dispozitivul atunci cand folosim husa pe post de stand. SmartCover este un accesoriu extrem de interesant pentru posesorii de iPad 2 si cu siguranta va genera foarte multe vanzari.
- There are a total of THIRTY ONE magnets within the iPad 2 and Smart Cover: 10 magnets in the iPad 2, and a whopping 21 magnets inside the Smart Cover. They’re the reason why the cover works so well with the iPad 2.
- We used magnetic viewing film to reveal the magnets before taking our stuff apart. The film has special properties that allow it to react to a magnet’s poles, and it worked wonders in showing the magnets hidden beneath the Smart Cover and iPad 2.
- Sadly, none of the 31 magnets inside the devices had any special properties. All of them were the standard, two-pole kind, but they were arrayed in such a way that made clamping the Smart Cover to the iPad 2 quite easy.
- The Smart Cover has one dedicated magnet that turns off the iPad 2′s screen. The rest are used to either clamp to the iPad on the right side (the far-right column of magnets), or to form the triangular shape used to create a stand for the iPad 2.
- A steel plate on the far-left side of the Smart Cover attaches to 15 of the cover’s magnets (on the far-right) in order to form the triangular base.
- The far-right row of magnets clamps the Smart Cover to the iPad 2. The magnets in the iPad 2 had their polarity displayed: + – + – . The alternating polarity of the magnets in the iPad 2 was complemented by the opposite alternating polarity of the magnets in the Smart Cover (- + – +), ensuring that the Smart Cover always sits in the same orientation on the iPad 2.
- There’s also a row of magnets on the left side of both products. The iPad 2′s magnets are actually encased into the side of the device, and are used to securely clamp the iPad 2 to the
- Smart Cover’s frame. Interestingly, these magnets’ polarities were manually marked — a blue dash written with a marker — instead of having a machine stamp/engrave the polarity into them.
- It turns out that the Smart Cover doesn’t work nearly as well once you remove the magnets, steel plate, and plastic structural supports. Go figure!
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This post was last modified on mart. 14, 2011, 5:54 PM 17:54