Video: Magazinele Apple din Japonia au fost principala metoda de contact dintre victimele cutremurelor

Daca ati deschis televizoarele in ultimele zile probabil ati vazut stirile despre cutremurul din Japonia, criza nucleara care s-a agravat astazi, distrugerile cauzate de tsunami si sutele de mii de sinistrati. In Tokyo, in shopping district, milioane de oameni se aflau la cumparaturi cand primul cutremur a lovit Japonia si dupa cum povesteste unul dintre angajatii Apple de acolo, magazinele companiei au fost folosite de oameni pentru a-i contacta pe cei dragi si a urmari desfasurarea evenimentelor. Angajatul Apple a trimis un e-mail fondatorului Digg, Kevin Rose, in care explica tot ce s-a intamplat in Tokyo si cum magazinul Apple a fost deschis constant pentru a oferi oamenilor adapost, posibilitatea de a vedea stirile si de a lua legatura cu cei dragi.

Desigur ca nu doar magazinele Apple au fost folosite pentru asa ceva insa e imbucurator sa vezi ca oamenii nu se panicheaza, se ajuta unii pe altii si marile companii isi tin magazinele deschise dupa ora de inchidere pentru a oferi oamenilor adapost. Puteti citi intreaga poveste pe blogul lui Kevin Rose.

Dear Alex L, David, & Kevin,

Hi this is XXXXX in Japan.  As you all must have heard, the 5th largest earthquake in recorded history hit us on Friday, 2:30pm Japan Time.  As Alex often says on TWiM, stories on the ground are often quite different from the stories in the news, and there is a tech story that I’d really like to tell: the story of Apple Inc in Japan.

7 hours and 118 aftershocks later, the store was still open.  Why? Because with the phone and train lines down, taxis stopped, and millions of people stuck in the Tokyo shopping district scared, with no access to television, hundreds of people were swarming into Apple stores to watch the news on USTREAM and contact their families via Twitter, Facebook, and email.  The young did it on their mobile devices, while the old clustered around the macs. There were even some Android users there.

You know how in disaster movies, people on the street gather around electronic shops that have TVs in the display windows so they can stay informed with what is going on?  In this digital age, that’s what the Tokyo Apple stores became.  Staff brought out surge protectors and extension cords with 10s of iOS device adapters so people could charge their phones & pads and contact their loved ones.  Even after we finally had to close 10pm, crowds of people huddled in front of our stores to use the wifi into the night, as it was still the only way to get access to the outside world.



Great Tohoku Earthquake Survivor 2011

This post was last modified on mart. 15, 2011, 12:52 PM 12:52

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