Google a anuntat in aceasta seara lansarea noii Google Search for iPhone, versiunea revizuita a Google Mobile App care este disponibila in AppStore de o perioada buna de timp. Noua versiune a aplicatiei vine cu un UI refacut, cu noi functii pentru cautare si nu numai, per total un update foarte important de la Google. Aceasta noua versiune a aplicatiei contine toate functionalitatile versiunii anterioare plus Google Goggles, deci nu veti pierde absolut nimic. Aplicatia este acum compatibila si cu fast app switching-ul din iOS deci nu va trebui sa reluati cautarile daca ati iesit din aplicatie.
Second, we’ve made it easier to pick up searching where you left off. If you leave the app and come back later, you’ll be able either to start a new search right away (just tap in the search box to type, hit the microphone button to do a voice search or tap on the camera icon to use Google Goggles) or get back to exactly where you were by tapping on the lower part of the page.
Finally, there are a number of improvements we’ve made to everything else you love in the app, including Google Goggles, Voice Search, Search with My Location, Gmail unread counts and more.
Google Search
Descriere: Get the most advanced Google search experience for your iPhone, now with Google Goggles, Voice Search and My Location.