Vrei receptie mai buna pentru iPhone 4? Pune-l intr-un pahar.

Acesta e unul dintre cele mai ciudate lucruri pe care le-am auzit vreodata dar un editor al TheNextWeb sustine ca a descoperit o metoda de a imbunatati calitatea semnalului terminalului iPhone 4 folosind un pahar. Puneti terminalul in pahar si semnalul ar trebui sa creasca, cel putin asa sustine Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten de la TheNextWeb.

A few years ago one of the waitresses there discovered (how?) that if you put a phone in an empty glass it dramatically improves the reception. The Pasta e Basta restaurant is basically stuck in a concrete basement so reception has always been awful. But since they found out about this trick they at least have had enough reception to make and receive calls.

Daca va plictisiti pe acasa puteti lua niste pahare si va puteti juca cu iPhone-ul, eventual puteti testa si calitatea semnalului “sub apa”.

This post was last modified on mart. 16, 2011, 11:59 AM 11:59

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