Site-ul a publicat un e-mail un e-mail trimis de catre Steve Jobs angajatilor Apple din Japonia in urma recentelor cutremure care au ingenuncheat una dintre cele mai puternice tari ale lumii. In mesaj Steve Jobs isi ofera suportul personal dar si al companiei in vederea ajutorarii angajatilor astfel incat acestea si familiile lor sa aiba toate resursele necesare pentru a trece cu bine prin aceasta perioada critica.
To Our Team in Japan,
We have all been following the unfolding disaster in Japan. Our hearts go out to you and your families, as well as all of your countrymen who have been touched by this tragedy.
If you need time or resources to visit or care for your families, please see HR and we will help you. If you are aware of any supplies that are needed, please also tell HR and we will do what we can to arrange delivery.
Again, our hearts go out to you during this unimaginable crisis.
Please stay safe.
Steve and the entire Executive Team
E destul de clar faptul ca Steve Jobs este cat se poate de activ in conducerea companiei Apple dar in acelasi timp putem observa cata grija si atentie acorda Apple propriilor angajati.
This post was last modified on mart. 17, 2011, 3:54 PM 15:54