Chiar si in vremuri de criza, cei bogati trebuie sa arate ca traiesc in continuare pe picior mare asa ca extravagantele sunt la ordinea zilei. Daca ai vreo 5.000.000 £ atunci poate te intereseaza sa achizitionezi o tableta iPad 2 3G, modificata de Stuard Hughes, al carui mar este acoperit cu diamante, cristale, o piatra Ammolite de peste 75 de milioane de ani si un os de dinozaur de peste 65 de milioane de ani. Da, ati citit bine, un os de dinozaur se afla lipit undeva pe acea tableta si probabil ii va usura utilizatorului durerea de cap cauzata de petele de pe ecran, backlight bleeding-ul sau poate problemele cu giroscopul din Springboard.
Eu parca as da 5.000.00£ pe tableta asta. Ce spuneti, merita sau sa o astept pe cealalta comandata deja?
Undoubtably the world’s most unique gadget is the Ipad 2 Gold History Edition. Encrusted with 12.5 cts of ‘I’F’ Flawless diamonds, a magnificent total of 53 individually set sparkling gems dwell beautifully in solid 24ct Apple logo with rear section formed again in 24ct gold weighing an immense 2,000 grams. The unrivalled imagination towards the craftmanship of the iapd is down to its main front frame which is made from the oldest rock the world has to offer in the form of Ammolite , sourced from Canada this stone is over 75 million years old. However to make this masterpiece even more individual, sections of a 65 million year old T-REX Dinosaur’s thigh bone was splintered and then shaved into the Ammolite , then finished off with ultimate jewel , as single cut 8.5ct flawless diamond inlaid in its own platinum surround with 12 outer flawless diamonds. A magnificent combination of top of the industry technology and unique thought were involved in creating this piece of History.