StarFront: Collision este un joc de strategie foarte interesant lansat de Gameloft acum mai bine de o luna in AppStore. Jocul imprumuta cateva dintre elementele celebrului Starcraft 2 facut de Blizzard si tine ocupati sute de mii de jucatori din intreaga lume. Sunt un fan al jocului insa cred ca pe o tableta iPad ar fi fost mult mult mai simplu de jucat dar Gameloft deocamdata lucreaza la versiunea HD pentru iPad/iPad 2 deci mai avem de asteptat.
The best real-time strategy is now at your fingertips! Starfront: Collision, the epitome of RTS gameplay with gorgeous HD graphics and a competitive 4-player multiplayer, finally hits the App Store! Welcome to planet Sinistral, where rare Xenodium crystals are coveted by a human mining conglomerate called the Consortium. However, they are not the only ones after the rare mineral. The Myriad, an indigenous race of aliens, is addicted to Xenodium and will do everything they can to prevent the Consortium from plundering their resources. To add to the chaos, a sentient robot race called the Wardens is trying to turn the war in their favor. Whose side will you choose?
With Starfront: Collision, choose from 3 unique but balanced races and deploy your strategy for victory in this battle. Each faction can construct 8 different buildings and over 10 destructive units to build up their base and mount an unstoppable assault on adversaries. Once you’ve mastered the solo campaign, put your skills to the test in exciting multiplayer battles.
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Concursul se va incheia maine la ora 17:00.
Castigatorii sunt : Alex – descalificat, JohnnyUSA – confirmat, szylwe – descalificat, Alex Bardasu – confirmat. Astept de la ceilalti link catre pagina de facebook sau Twitter unde au dat share.
This post was last modified on apr. 1, 2011, 2:16 PM 14:16