Facemood este o aplicatie noua lansata in AppStore care ar trebui sa ne spuna care este starea de spirit a prietenilor nostri printr-o simpla analizare a contului lor de Facebook. Aplicatia foloseste niste algoritmi speciali care analizeaza cuvinte cheie, fraze, emoticoane, structuri ale propizitiilor disponibile in profilul prietenilor vostru apoi va spune care este starea acestora de spirit. Sincer sa fiu nu am incercat aplicatia si ma cam indoiesc de faptul ca poate “ghici” starea de spirit a unei persoane printr-o simpla analizare a contului acesteia insa daca va intereseaza o puteti achizitiona din AppStore si testa pe iDevice-ul vostru.
Facemood allows you to discover the mood of your friends by running a specialised algorithm on their Facebook metadata, such as their latest Facebook status. UPDATE 1.0.1 coming this week. Our algorithm encompasses a wide variety of variables such as keyword usage, sentence structure and punctuation before coming to a conclusion about how your Facebook friends are feeling. Friends’ moods are explained in simple and graphical icons and terms on a Profile View. When you are presented with a friends’ mood, you can find out more information concerning its method of compilation; Facemood reveals select keywords which it used to conclude a friend’s mood.
Facemood utilises a variety of sources for its keyword database (e.g from Urban dictionary), but also allows you to add your own personalised keywords so the algorithm can pick up specific words that connote a certain mood. e.g if a friend is happy when they play soccer, you can associate ‘soccer’ with an emotion of your choice, in this case ‘excited’.
Facemood costa 0.79€ si poate fi achizitionata de aici.