Acum cateva zile v-am spus ca Viber 2.0 a fost lansata in AppStore insa la scurt timp aplicatia a fost retrasa datorita unor probleme de functionalitate.Intre timp dezvoltatorii aplicatiei au rezolvat problemele si incepand de astazi Viber 2.0.1 este disponibila pentru download. Versiunea noua se numeste 2.0.1 pentru ca rezolva problemele versiunii 2.0, adica imposibilitatea de a deschide aplicatia. Revin si va spun: cea mai importanta noutate adusa ce Viber 2.0 consta in posibilitatea de a trimite mesaje intre utilizatorii retelei Viber, o optiune asemanatoare cu cea disponibila in reteaua Whatsapp Messenger sau TextFree.
Iata ce aducea nou Viber 2.0 :
- New Messaging Service integrated Viber style WhatsApp Messenger, to send free text messages to other users using the application.
- Bug fixes, including the most common connectivity problems, the problems of identification of users as “users Viber” and so on.
- Improvements on the speed of the application.
- Introduction of a mechanism call you better let you know if the person calling that you will be using Viber effettivametne’ll be ringing the iPhone or not.
- The ability to activate the “Do not show again “, that is when you start a normal GSM call through Viber rather than a VoIP call.
- A new option to disable Account Viber from within the same application
- Moving the Favorites tab.
Viber – Free Phone Calls
Descriere: Viber is an iPhone application that lets you make free phone calls and send free text messages to other iPhone users that have Viber installed. When you use Viber, your phone calls to any other Viber user …
This post was last modified on mart. 31, 2011, 4:12 PM 16:12