Video: iPad 2i – tableta iPad cu Retina Display si magazinul Apple facut din piese Lego


Da, e tot 1 aprilie si da tot un clip video fals insa e interesant si prezinta o tableta iPad 2i cu “Retina Display” plus o scurta povestioara legata de modul in care Apple ar fi produs tableta. Tableta ar “costa” injur de 650$ si daca va exista vreodata iPad 3 cu ecran retina atunci puteti sa va asteptati la un asemenea pret pentru modelul Wi-Fi de 16GB avand in vedere ca ecranele retina sunt mult mai scumpe.

A doua pacaleala are in prim-plan un set de piese lego care ar trebui sa reprezinte un magazin Apple real. Imi place ca e destul de bine realizata toata treaba si prezinta o imagine cu modul in care se desfasoara in realitate  o zi intr-un Apple Store. Gluma a fost facuta de cei de la ThinkGeek care au si stabilit un pret intre 49$ – 179$ pentru produs dar si urmatoarele caracteristici :

  • Amazing PLAYMOBIL™ set introduces children to the magic of Apple technology
  • Interactive play teaches important social interaction skills
  • Includes everything pictured: entire store with figures and over 60 accessories
  • Store comes fully staffed with PLAYMOBIL™ Apple Store associates
  • Ground floor of Apple store features product demo tables, software shelves and kids corner
  • Top floor includes Genius Bar and Keynote Theater with mini Steve Jobs figure
  • Use your own real iPhone 4 as the screen behind Steve Jobs in the Keynote Theater (downloadable simulated keynote presentation available on the PLAYMOBIL™ website)
  • Purchase the optional Line Pack and stage your own Apple Device launch party!
  • Entire store measures 72 cm long x 36 cm deep x 40 cm high
  • Officially licensed Apple product