Se intampla si la ei – Best Buy obliga clientii sa cumpere garantie pentru iPad 2

Saptamana trecuta va spuneam ca Best Buy ar refuza sa vanda tablete iPad 2 clientilor datorita unor presupuse depasiri ale cotelor zilnice de vanzari. Atunci se zvonea ca Apple ar fi retras toate tabletele iPad 2 din magazinele Best Buy insa in realitate nu s-a intamplat asa si compania continua sa vanda tableta fara nici o restrictie. Problema acum e ca intr-un magazin Best Buy un client a fost obligat sa cumpere o extindere a garantiei pentru iPad 2 daca vroia sa cumpere tableta. Initial clientul a intrebat daca sunt tablete iPad 2 in stoc, i s-a spus ca nu, insa la o plimbare prin magazin a observat un stoc de tablete insa cand a dorit sa cumpere una i s-a spus ca poate sa o faca numai daca achizitioneaza si un plan de garantie pentru tableta in valoare de 109$.

I was at Best But yesterday while my girlfriend was buying a new pc and asked if they had any iPad 2 in stock and I was told no. As I strolled around I looked up and noticed at least 40
In an overhead lock up area so I inquired about them. I was told by an associate that they were all sold. Two minutes later a manager walks over and says the only way I could have one is if I puchased a 109 dollar Best Buy protection plan.

I said that doesn’t seem right. He then told to try and find one somewhere else they can do what they want.

Oficial Best Buy nu obliga clientii sa cumpere planuri de protectie cu tabletele insa neoficial unii manageri fac exces de zel si nu le vand fara asa ceva. Interesant e ca Apple nu ia nici o masura desi tablete iPad 2 sunt blocate in stocurile anumitor magazine Best Buy si clientii stau la cozi in fata unor magazine Apple. In orice caz, iata ca se pot intampla si in SUA lucruri de genul asta, nu doar in Romania.

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