Apple a dat astazi cateva comunicate de presa in care a transat problema logarii locatiilor pentru utilizatorii de iDevices si a anuntat ca in curand vom avea iOS 4.3.3/4.4 care va rezolva toate aceste probleme. Tot astazi lui Steve Jobs i-a fost luat un interviu de catre cei de la AllThingsDigital in care clarifica, din nou, problema logarii locatiilor. Steve Jobs a recunoscut ca sistemul nu e perfect, a recunoscut ca sistemul a functionat incorect dar ca Apple va rezolva problema in urmatorul update al iOS care va fi disponibil in saptamanile viitoare.
The files they found on these phones, as we explained, it turned out were basically files we have built through anonymous, crowdsourced information that we collect from the tens of millions of iPhones out there.
As new technology comes into the society there is a period of adjustment and education,” Jobs said. “We haven’t as an industry done a very good job educating people I think, as to some of the more subtle things going on here. As such (people) jumped to a lot of wrong conclusions in the last week.”
He said Apple looks forward to testifying before Congress and other regulatory bodies and said the company will do what it can to clarify things further.
“I think Apple will be testifying,” Jobs said. “They have asked us to come and we will honor their request of course.
Steve Jobs a aratat din nou cu degetul catre celelalte mari companii producatoare de smartphone-uri si a spus ca Google si Microsoft fac acelasi lucru in propriile sisteme de operare. Steve Jobs a mai spus ca Apple va raspunde saptamana viitoare in fata Congresului american in ceea ce priveste acest sistem de logare a locatiilor, insa probabil restul guvernelor vor fi ignorate. Pe scurt, problema a fost transata de 2 ori astazi si sper sa nu mai auzim de ea.
Oare guvernul roman va primi un raspuns?