Acum aproape o luna v-am spus ca Adobe a lansat Photoshop Touch SDK care permitea dezvoltatorilor de aplicatii pentru iOS sa dezvolte aplicatii care sa interactioneze cu Adobe Photoshop CS5. Atunci va spuneam ca Adobe Color Lava, Nav si Eazel sunt 3 aplicatii special concepute pentr tableta iPad care vor fi disponibile in curand in AppStore. Aceste aplicatii ar lucra in tandem cu Photoshop si ar permite exportarea proiectelor incepute pe tableta iPad direct in Photoshop pentru a fi completate.
Astazi Adobe a anuntat lansarea oficiala a acestor 3 aplicatii care deocamdata nu sunt disponibile in toate AppStore-urile. Impreuna cu ele Adobe a actualizat si Photoshop la versiunea 12.04 care permite interactiunea intre iPad si aplicatia de pe Mac. Orice proiect de pe iPad poate fi transferat pe Mac in Photoshop folosind o conexiune Wi-Fi unde proiectul poate fi continuat si completat. Iata comunicatul de presa:
The 12.0.4 update enables specially designed apps on tablets, smartphones, and PCs to communicate with and control interaction with Photoshop CS5 (Located in the File menu: Remote Connections). Now you can be creative on other devices and instantly incorporate what you create into Photoshop. You must install the 12.0.4 update to activate a remote connection between Photoshop CS5 and any apps that Adobe or third-party developers create to interact with Photoshop. For example, Photoshop CS5 must be updated to 12.0.4 to interact with three new iPad apps that Adobe has designed to work with it – Adobe Nav, Adobe Color Lava, and Adobe Eazel. Available on the App Store.
Iata si cateva detalii despre aplicatii.
With Adobe Color Lava, you can use your fingertips to mix colors on your iPad and create custom swatches and five-swatch themes. Instantly access them in Photoshop CS5—all you need is a network connection between your iPad and computer. Or use the app wherever inspiration strikes, and then bring your colors into Photoshop CS5 when you’re connected. Share colors via email, too.
With Adobe Eazel, you can use your iPad and your fingertips to paint beautiful works of art. Paint across your entire iPad screen, and easily access the tools you need. Send your artwork directly to Photoshop CS5 from any location—all you need is a network connection between your iPad and computer. Or do all your painting in the app, and share via email.
With Adobe Nav and a network connection between your iPad and computer, you can customize the Photoshop CS5 toolbar on iPad to easily access the tools you use most. Browse, reorder, view, and zoom in on up to 200 open Photoshop documents on iPad. Tap a document on iPad to make it the active document in Photoshop CS5. Disconnect from the network and use iPad to easily share files in person with others.
Impreuna cu noua versiune a PhotoShop si aplicatiile pentru iPad, Adobe a lansat Adobe CS5.5 care aduce o serie intreaga de tool-uri HTML 5 pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicatii pentru iOS. Mai jos aveti toate noutatile aduse de aceasta versiune a soft-ului, printre ele merita mentionata compatibilitatea cu sistemele de operare pentru tablete, inclusiv iOS pentru iPad.
Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium Suite is packed with innovations in HTML5 and Flash authoring tools, empowering customers to create, deliver and monetize rich content and applications for virtually any screen. Designers and developers can create rich browser-based content across screens using HTML5. Adobe Flash® Professional CS5.5, Flash Builder™ 4.5 Premium and theFlex® 4.5 framework allow users to quickly and easily develop, test and deploy high-performance mobile applications for Android, BlackBerry Tablet OS and Apple iOS.
Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Suite builds upon Adobe’s product innovations in publishing already deployed by some of the world’s leading newspaper, magazine and business publishers to create print and stunning digital versions of their properties for the latest tablet devices. Using Adobe InDesign CS5.5, in combination with the integrated Folio Producer toolset, designers can add new levels of interactivity to their page layouts targeted at tablet devices. Adobe today also announced the immediate availability of the Professional Edition of Adobe® Digital Publishing Suite, a turnkey solution that includes hosted services and viewer technology that allow publishers to cost-efficiently publish content to Android tablets, BlackBerry PlayBook and Apple iPad (see separate release).
This post was last modified on mai 3, 2011, 6:34 PM 18:34