V-am spus astazi ca in China a fost lansata tableta iPad 2 si ca in 2 ore de la lansare stocurile au fost epuizate din cauza cererii extrem de mari. Ceea ce a ajuns la “suprafata” abia acum are legatura cu un incident din fata unui magazin Apple unde niste clienti ar fi avut o altercatie cu anumiti angajati ai companiei. Un geam de sticla al unui magazin fost spart si cateva persoane ar fi fost ranite serios in timpul altercatiilor. Cei de la 9to5mac au descoperit pe niste site-uri de stiri din China cateva informatii despre acest subiect dar si imaginile de mai sus in care vedem niste clienti care par sa fi fost loviti destul de tare.
Stirea 1 : The afternoon of May 7, Beijing SanLiTun store Apple, crowds queued to buy the iPhone4 conflict with in-store staff. One stands more than 1.9 metres for expatriate staff armed with iron rods Brawl wounded four customers. A glass door of the store were hit and destroyed by excited crowds. Are 4-bit the injured have been admitted to hospital
Stirea 2: Sanlitun Apple Store bloodshed, because too many people queuing waiting suddenly closed shop, where the weather is so hot multi-line Burongyia, Apple stunned party to a foreigner and a Chinese man actually hands-on, people with the scene confirmed the man was wounded also the guests lined up to buy Apple products.We look at the quality of foreigners, but also that, to earn the money we have in China is also the name of our people.
Conform celor relatate acolo 4 clienti ar fi fost batuti de niste angajati ai magazinului Apple din Beijing. Se spune ca ar fi vorba despre niste angajati straini insa din pacate chinezii nu au tradus prea bine stirile inainte de a le publica. E prima oara cand se intampla ceva chiar atat de grav in fata unor magazine Apple si e curios de vazut ce va declara compania.