The difference between the two cases involving smartphone apps and traditional web cookies is that smartphones have a Unique Device ID (UDID) that advertisers can reliably associate with a given user, and which may be linked with location data collected as the user carries the device.
The suit notes that “Apple certainly understands the significance of its UDID and users’ privacy, as, internally Apple claims that it treats UDID information as ‘personally identifiable information’ because, if combined with other information, it can be used to personally identify a user.”
Apple a fost chemata in instanta alaturi de Pandora si Backflip Studios care ar fi adunat date despre utilizatori si le-ar fi oferit companiilor de advertisind. In cererea de chemare in judecata Apple este acuzata de faptul ca nu ofera utilizatorilor o metoda de a bloca posibilitatea aplicatiilor de a transmite date privind UDID-l terminalului catre alte persoane. Apple nu e la primul proces de acest gen si cu siguranta nici la ultimul avand in vedere ca nu si-a pus si nici nu isi va pune la punct problema cu UDID-urile.