Stampr este un tweak lansat astazi in Cydia care permite posesorilor de iDevices sa adauge un timestamp pozelor facute pe propriul terminal. Tweak-ul, dupa cum vedeti si in imaginea de mai sus, adauga in partea de jos a imaginii ora la care ati facut poza(inclusiv secunda) plus data la care ati captat-o. Tweak-ul se instaleaza din Cydia insa nu are nici o iconita in Springboard deci toate setarile le veti face din meniul Settings unde aveti urmatoarele optiuni :
- posibilitatea de a activa/dezactiva tweak-ul;
- selectarea modului in care este afisata ora in poza;
- posibilitatea de a modifica fontul si culoarea scrisului;
- posibilitatea de a seta un text customizat care va fi afisat inaintea timestamp-ului.
Stampr este disponibil gratuit in Cydia in repo-ul BigBoss. Trebuie sa aveti minim iOS 4.2 instalat.
Allows you to have timestamps on photos inside You can take a photo with the normal camera app, and will have two photos taken, one, which is the original, and one with the timestamp. (Of slightly lower resolution) Easily customizable from settings, you can adjust the font size. The font color, even have custom text before the time stamp. You can have a 24 hour time if you’d like, and the time stamp also includes the date. Tested and completely works on 4.2+ (including Verizon iPhone).
No new icons are added to your home screen. Tweak options can be configured from
This post was last modified on mai 12, 2011, 11:09 AM 11:09