In cursul serii trecute Apple a lansat Mac OS X Developer preview 3 si Xcode 4.1 Developer Preview 5 pentru toti dezvoltatorii de aplicatii pentru Mac OS X. La sfarsitul lunii aprilie Apple a lansat Mac OS X Lion Developer preview 2 si Xcode 4.1 Developer Preview 4 iar noile versiuni lansate astazi sunt recomandate tuturor dezvoltatorilor deoarece rezolva o buna parte dintre bugurile versiunilor anterioare. Pe langa bug fixes noile versiuni au si cateva noutati importante in ceea ce priveste functionalitate si design-ul sistemului de operare. Desigur ca aceste 2 update-uri sunt disponibile doar pentru dezvoltatorii de aplicatii pentru Mac OS X.
Iata tot ce aduce nou aceasta versiune a Mac OS X Lion :
- New options in System Preferences>Mission Control
- There is a new animation when logging into the computer and displaying the desktop (seems buggy at this time)
- New Reminders menu in iCal
- New next desktop button in Dashboard space:
- New options when right-clicking (this appears to be buggy at this time):
- Compatibility to external displays has been improved (especially in Mission Control)
- There is now a Mission Control app
- Finders toolbar has been slightly updated:
- Desktop wallpapers have been updated (and new ones have been added);
- Reading List has been enabled in Safari:
- New changes in Mission Control: can add desktops right from Mission Control by clicking + button, close spaces from Mission Control, Mission Control no longer displaying text Desktop 1? etc., when hovering over desktop thumbnails, magnification of thumbnails are seen
- Scrollbars now change color depending on the background (black background=light scrollbar and vice versa).
Iata si cateva imagini cu schimbarile aduse interfatei dar si cateva wallpapere introduse de Apple.
This post was last modified on mai 14, 2011, 8:55 AM 08:55