Inca de saptamana trecuta au aparut zvonuri care indicau o posibila conferinta Apple pentru angajatii magazinelor din SUA ale companiei. Astazi un angajat al Apple a confirmat neoficial ca pe 22 mai in magazinele Apple din SUA vor fi tinute conferinte insa nu se stie deocamdata e se va discuta acolo. Pe 6 iunie va avea loc WWDC 2011 si se presupune ca Apple isi va pregati angajatii pentru posibila lansare a unor servicii nou in locul MobileMe. Pe de alta parte, saptamana aceasta Apple sarbatoreste 10 ani de cand a deschis primul magazin deci e posibil sa fie vorba despre promotii sau cine stie ce altceva in cadrul magazinelor Apple.
Vom afla duminica viitoare despre ce a fost vorba in aceaste sedinte si eu unul sper sa fie vorba despre noul iCloud si poate ceva interesant despre iPhone 5 si Mac OS X Lion.
UPDATE: Se pare ca Apple va organiza o festivitate pe 19 mai cand va lansa un produs nou. Cei de la BGR au primit informatii care indica faptul ca in magazinele Apple se primesc noi echipamente hardware iar in noaptea de 18 spre 19 mai angajatii din magazinele Apple vor trage cortine negre peste geamuri si vor aranja magazinele probabil pentru lansarea unui produs sau pentru vreo promotie.
- There’s an overnight shift planned for around 10-15 individuals at each Apple Store to work from late Saturday all the way through mid-Sunday.
- During the overnight shift, it’s going to be required that employees lock cell phones in the main office. They will also have to sign an NDA with Apple.
- There are a wide variety of roles, we’re told, for the overnight shift. This includes all visuals staff, a manager, a business team member, a few Genius team members, one back-of-house employee, and a few generic Apple specialists.
- Apple stores have apparently already received hardware to install, and are expecting more hardware to come on Friday or Saturday. All materials that Apple stores have received have been instructed to be under lock and key until after close on Saturday night.
- Apple employees will be putting up black curtains at all stores so that people walking outside cannot see inside.
- Employees have had to download gigabytes of data from Apple corporate labeled, “training” in a password-protected zipped folder that won’t accessible to managers or anyone else until Saturday afternoon.
- Lastly, all Apple retail stores have mandatory meetings on Sunday, May 22nd. Most meeting are scheduled for the morning, but there are evening meetings as well.
This post was last modified on mai 16, 2011, 10:13 PM 22:13