Aseara v-am spus ca la una dintre sectiile unei fabrici Foxconn unde se asambleaza tablete iPad 2 a avut loc un incendiu puternic in care 2 persoare au murit si alte cateva zeci au fost ranite dintre care 3 in stare critica. Deocamdata nu se stie clar motivul acestui incendiu insa in cursul serii un reprezentant al Apple a dat o declaratie oficiala in care anunta ca atat Apple cat si Foxconn vor investiga cauzele incidentului pentru a afla sursa acestui incendiu. Cladirea in care a pornit incediul si in are se asamblau tablete iPad 2 a fost sever afectata de explozia care a precedat totul si exista sanse ca ea sa fie demolata si reconstruita. Nu se stie inca impactul pe care il va avea ceasta tragedie asupra capacitatii de productie a Foxconn insa nu cred ca stocurile de tablete iPad 2 vor fi afectate.
Iata ce a declarat un purtator de cuvant al Apple :
We are deeply saddened by the tragedy at Foxconn’s plant in Chengdu, and our hearts go out to the victims and their families… We are working closely with Foxconn to understand what caused this terrible event.
Si un comunicat oficial de la Foxconn :
We can confirm that at approximately 7 pm on May 20, there was an explosion at our Chengdu campus. At this point, we can also confirm that there were two fatalities with injuries to 16 other employees. We are working with medical officials to provide treatment to the injured employees and we are working with government and law enforcement officials to contact the families of all employees affected by this tragedy.
The situation has been brought under control by the fire department and the cause of this explosion is being investigated by local police officials. Foxconn is cooperating fully with that investigation. Production has been suspended at the site of the explosion until the completion of the investigation. The safety of our employees is our highest priority and we will do whatever is required to determine and address the cause of this tragic accident.