Police said that Johnson tried to walk away, but Ippolito grabbed his shirt, pulled the younger man to the ground and punched his head and body. Johnson’s chin was cut.
Ippolito later learned that he had inadvertently left his cell phone in the snack shack at the baseball field, where he had been umpiring a youth baseball game, police said, and it was still there. Patrolman Vince Albani investigated.
Partea interesanta este ca iPhone-ul se afla defapt intr-o cu totul alta parte, intr-o locatie unde arbitrul mancase dupa arbitrarea unui meci si isi uitase dispozitivul. Totul s-a terminat cu o plangere la politie si probabil o amenda destul de usturatoare insa cu un iPhone regasit. Acum e curios de ce Find My iPhone a afisat o cu totul alta adresa pentru terminal pierdut avand in vedere ca distanta intre locul unde se afla dispozitivul si cea unde a avut loc altercatia e destul de mare. Pana acum serviciul a fost folosit cu succes de catre victime care si-au recuperat dispozitivele furate insa iata ca exista si cazuri cand lucrurile iau o intorsatura neobisnuita.
This post was last modified on mai 25, 2011, 7:52 PM 19:52