Tableta iPad cucereste cerul, va fi folosita in locul manualelor de zbor in avioane

V-am spus acum cateva luni ca tableta iPad ar putea fi folosita in avioanele comerciale deoarece a primit acordul agentiei americane pentru aviatie pentru a fi folosita de catre piloti in locul hartilor de hartie. Desi companiile aeriene nu se gandesc inca la asa ceva, Alaska Airlines este prima mare companie aeriana din SUA care va folosi

tablete iPad 2 in avioane in locul manualelor de zbor. Compania va da cate o tableta iPad fiecarui pilot din flota proprie pana in luna iunie a anului 2011 insa asta desigur dupa ce a testat deja efiecacitatea tabletelor fata de manualele de hartie.

Alaska Airlines is the first major domestic airline to use the iPad to replace paper manuals. We’ve been exploring the idea of an electronic flight bag for several years, but never found a device we really liked,” said Gary Beck, Alaska Airlines’ vice president of flight operations. “When the iPad hit the market, we took one look at it and said this is the perfect fit. In conjunction with replacing paper manuals, Alaska Airlines is exploring the replacement of paper aeronautical navigation charts with electronic versions on the iPad, eliminating the need for every pilot to carry their own copy. The two initiatives, dubbed “Bye, Bye, Flight Bag,” will save about 2.4 million pieces of paper. The cost of the project is expected to be offset by lower paper, printing and distribution expenses and reduced fuel consumption as some weight is removed from the aircraft. Further savings are expected from fewer back and muscle injuries caused by pilots carrying flight bags that can tip the scales at 50 pounds or more fully loaded.

Alaska Airlines sustine ca va economisi sume importante prin achizitia tabletelor deoarece nu va mai fi nevoita sa printeze pe suport de hartie toate instructiunile dar in plus va economisi si in ceea ce priveste kerosenul deoarece o parte din greutatea avionului va fi redusa prin aceasta modificare. Nu stiu cate companii aeriene din lume le vor urma exemplul imediat insa in viitor tableta iPad va fi prezenta ca instrument al pilotilor cu siguranta in aproape orice zbor comercial.

This post was last modified on mai 28, 2011, 9:10 PM 21:10

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