Video: Order & Chaos aduna peste 1 milion de dolari din vanzari


Gameloft a anuntat astazi ca jocul Order & Chaos Online, primul MMORPG lansat de companie, a adunat nu mai putin de 1 milion de dolari din vanzari. La un pret de 5.49€ si luand in calcul cele 30 de procente culese de Apple pentru vanzarile din App Store atunci jocul celor de la Gameloft a fost achizitionat de aproape 250.000 de ori de la lansarea sa si pana in prezent. Cifra este spectaculoasa insa vine dupa doar 20 de zile de disponibilitate in AppStore si asta in conditiile in care pentru a juca Order & Chaos Online este nevoie de un abonament lunar la Gameloft.

Cei de la Gameloft au anuntat si un nou update care va fi disponibil in luna iunie si va imbunatati semnificativ experienta jucatorilor. Update-ul va aduce modificari importante pentru sistemul de chat insa va avea desigur si item-uri noi pentru jucatori. Pana la lansarea acelui update puteti cumpara Order & Chaos Online pentru 5.49€ si aveti 3 luni de abonament gratuit pentru a va juca pe serverele celor de la Gameloft.

PARIS, May 31, 2011 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — After the overwhelming success of its first MMORPG on the App Store, topping the charts in its first week, Gameloft is pleased to announce today that Order & Chaos Online has generated $1 million in revenue 20 days after being released for iPhone and iPad. To ensure the level of enthusiasm among players remains high, Gameloft plans to massively expand on the game with the first update scheduled for this June.

“We knew that this first real MMORPG experience for iPhone and iPad would meet the quality standards our customers want,” said Gonzague de Vallois, senior vice-president of Publishing for Gameloft. “We are pleased to know that our customers have embraced our innovative business model, and we are anxious to further enrich the gaming experience with this first update, which is eagerly anticipated by our fans.”

Notable additions in the first free update of the game will include new quests, a dedicated chat channel for each language as well as a server migration service. Future updates currently in development, including new dungeons and PvP (Player vs Player) arenas allowing players to battle against each other in a dedicated area, will be added to enhance the game. Regular updates will ensure that this ambitious title becomes the benchmark MMORPG for smartphones and tablets.

Order & Chaos Online is available for $6.99, which includes a three-month subscription. After three months, players can renew their subscription for $0.99 for one month, $1.99 for three months or $2.99 for six months.