Video: SMSEnhancer aduce functii noi pentru aplicatia messages

SMSEnhacer este un nou tweak lansat ieri in Cydia care aduce 2 functii noi pentru aplicatia Messages din iOS. In primul rand avem posibilitatea de a adauga cate un timestamp in dreptul fiecarui mesaj primit, adica in dreptul fiecarui mesaj va fi afisata data si ora la care a fost primit. In al doilea rand avem posibilitatea de a seta cate o poza pentru fiecare dintre contactele noastre. Poza afisata in dreptul fiecarui contact poate fi poza default setata pentru acel contact sau o alta poza aleasa de catre noi.

Tweak-ul poate fi configurat din meniul Settings al iOS insa nu si in iOS 5 unde respectivele meniuri sunt indisponibile. SMSEnhancer este disponbil in repo-ul BigBoss pentru 0.99$.

Enhance your SMS experience with contact pictures right at your SMS app and timestamps for ALL incoming/outgoing SMSes!

SMSEnhancer is a tweak commited to take your SMSing experience to another level. With SMSEnhancer, you get to see your contact’s picture right inside from your SMS app giving you the feeling of a real IM client like iChat.

By default, for every contact that you exchange SMS with, the tweak will look for a picture for that contact from your address book, should you have no picture for a particular contact the tweak will load a default one instead.

Also, the tweak allows you to turn on timestamps for EVERY incoming/outgoing SMS and not just based on certain amounts of time as currently is by default.

No new icons are added to your homescreen. Configure options from your Settings app.

This post was last modified on iun. 26, 2011, 9:45 AM 09:45

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