VirusBarrier este prima aplicatie din App Store special conceputa pentru a proteja iDevice-urile de malware si alte tipuri de virusi disponibili pentru Mac OS X sau Windows. Aplicatia este construita de firma Intego care sustine ca orice iDevice conectat la internet are nevoie de un asemenea sistem de protectie. Cei de la Intego recomanda VirusBarrier tuturor persoanelor care acceseaza documente prin email, dropbox, MobileMe sau orice alte platforme pentru ca in fisiere se pot ascunde oricand virusi sau malware. VirusBarrier scaneaza orice fel de fisiere accesate de iDevice-ul nostru fie ca vorbim despre atasamente din emailuri fie ca vorbim despre fisiere accesate pe un server sau descarcate in dispozitivul nostru.
Cei de la Intego spun ca nu exista nici un virus pentru iOS deocamdata insa ca malware-ul si virusii din fisierele din iDevice-urile noastre pot ajunge in calculatoare de indata ce descarcam fisierele. Practic VirusBarrier este mai mult decat inutil pe iOS din moment ce nu exista virusi sau malware insa sigur multi se vor arunca sa isi cumpere aceasta aplicatie pentru a se “proteja”.
Iata ce caracteristici are VirusBarrier :
- On-demand scans of files received by e-mail, on remote locations, or on iOS devices
- Scans files for Mac, Windows and Unix viruses and malware
- Scans files for spyware, Trojan horses, adware, hacker tools, dialers, keyloggers and more
- Scans ZIP archives
- Repairs infected files
- Scans email attachments*, files downloaded from Safari*, and files accessed by apps supporting inter-app file transfers*.
- Scans remote locations, such as DropBox, iDisks and WebDAV shares
- Scan websites for known phishing URLs, web threats, and malware hosting
- Automatically updates malware definitions
- Completes scans in the background
- Keeps logs of scans
- Includes a 1-year subscription to malware definitions
VirusBarrier este disponibil in versiune universala in App Store pentru 2.39€.
Descriere: Your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is a new vector for bringing files into your home or business network. While there is no known malware for iOS, files can flow through your device into your computers at hom…
This post was last modified on iul. 12, 2011, 3:02 PM 15:02