Ieri va spuneam ca Apple si Samsung ar fi ajuns la o intelegere prin care compania asiatica s-ar fi obligat sa nu vanda tableta Galaxy Tab 10.1 pe continentul australian. Astazi Samsung vine cu o clarificare si ne anunta ca nu a incheiat nici un fel de intelegere cu Apple privind blocarea comercializarii tabletei Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia insa un acord in acest sens a fost incheiat cu privire la SUA. Practic Samsung s-ar fi inteles cu Apple sa nu promoveze si sa nu vanda tableta Galaxy Tab 10.1 in SUA pana la incheierea unei parti a disputelor legale dintre cele 2 companii.
Samsung has denied that the launch of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is on hold in Australia, clarifying that the company’s agreement with Apple only covers the US version of the tablet. According to Samsung’s official statement the original Apple complaint covered “a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 variant that Samsung Electronics had no plans of selling in Australia.” The Korean company says that, as indicated in reports yesterday, the settlement between it and Apple was “a mutual agreement” rather than a court injunction. That agreement only concerns the contentious US version of the slate, whereas the Australian variant is presumably different so as to avoid infringing Apple patents.
Deci Apple a reusit sa convinga Samsung sa nu mai vanda versiunea pentru SUA a Galaxy Tab in probabil cea mai mare piata de desfacere a companiei. Va fi interesant de urmarit modul in care se vor intelege cele 2 companii avand in vedere ca Samsung renunta la incasari substantiale prin aceste acord incheiat cu Apple. Pe de alta parte va fi interesant de urmarit si ce vor decide instantele americane cu privire la procesele dintre cele 2 companii si daca Apple va fi declarata castigatoare atunci Samsung ar putea avea mari probleme cu linia Galaxy.