Vorbeam aseara despre un nou tip de malware care afecteaza terminalele Android, mai exact inregistreaza apelurile facute de catre utilizatori si le incarca pe anumite servere web. Acum aflam despre un raport al unei firme de securitate informatica, ce sustine ca utilizatorii de Android sunt acum de 2 ori mai vulnerabili in fata atacurilor malware dacat in urma cu 6 luni. Firma sustine ca numarul aplicatiilor infectate cu malware au crescut de aproape 3 ori in ultimele 6 luni de la 80 la 400 sin prima jumatate a acestui an peste 500.000 de posesori de terminale Android au fost infectati de malware, o cifra aproape nesemnificativa daca o comparam cu numarul de terminale disponibile pe piata.
An estimated 500,000 people were affected by Android malware in the first half of this year, a period when apps infected with malware rose from 80 in January to more than 400 in June, according to the report, which focuses on Android and Apple’s iOS. Lookout collects data from more than 700,000 Android and iPhone apps and 10 million Android devices around the globe, and offers free and fee-based versions of a security service for the open source Android platform, but not for iOS. While Apple vets every app before allowing it to be sold on the Apple App Store, the Android Market allows any app to be published but provides detailed information about what permissions the app has on a device.