MacBook Pro-ul, cel mai puternic laptop vandut de catre Apple, nu permite utilizatorilor sa se conecteze la o retea de date 3G. Apple a decis ca popularul sau laptop nu are nevoie de asemenea conectivitate insa compania a avut o data un prototip al MacBook Pro de 15 inch care era compatibil cu retele 3G. In imaginile din acest articol avem prezentat acel prototip produs in anul 2007 de catre Apple si observati ca este echipat cu o antena 3G insa are si un slot in care poate fi introdusa o cartela SIM. Mac-ul este disponibil pentru achizitie pe iar descrierea facuta de vanzator o aveti mai jos :
Upon removing the top case it was immediately clear this was no normal Macbook Pro: the circuit boards inside were bright red as opposed to the normal blue! Further inspection found multiple differences from the stock version, most notably a feature never seen in a Macbook laptop of any kind: what appears to be a fully integrated cellular modem and SIM slot. There is an extendable cellular antenna located at the right top side of the display assembly (The antenna is marked with “Tyco Proto / #006” when slid out), and a standard size SIM card slot located underneath the memory cover on the bottom of the machine. The SIM card board is connected to the logic board via a connector not found on production machines. The solder footprint for it is still present on the production boards and not populated, which is interesting. This would seem to suggest that it was a last minute decision to remove the cellular functionality before going into mass production. The optical drive is marked as a “Sample for Evaluation”. Rather than a normal EMC Number the specifications lapel simply says “XXXX”, and the serial number does not show up in Apple’s online database.
MacBook Pro-ul are o placa de baza rosie specifica prototipurilor fabricate de catre Apple si chip-ul 3G integrat este recunoscut de sistem desi conexiunea de date nu poate fi utilizata. Interesant este ca Apple a cochetat cu ideea producerii unui MacBook Pro compatibil cu retele 3G insa din punct de vedere estetic nu ar fi fost un produs chiar atat de stralucit. Poate design-ul a fost unul dintre principalele motive pentru renuntarea fabricarii unui asemenea laptop sau poate costurile prea mari, nimeni nu stie insa cert este ca actualele modele nu au asa ceva.
Voi ati avea nevoie de conectivitate 3G intr-un MacBook Pro?
This post was last modified on aug. 14, 2011, 5:49 PM 17:49