The hardware reportedly stopped the team from innovating beyond certain points because it was slow and imposed constraints, which was highlighted when webOS was loaded on to Apple’s iPad device and found to run the platform significantly faster than the device for which it was originally developed. With a focus on web technologies, webOS could be deployed in the iPad’s Mobile Safari browser as a web-app; this produced similar results, with it running many times faster in the browser than it did on the TouchPad.
iPad 2 are un procesor dual-core iar TouchPad are un procesor single core cu 300 MHz mai rapid insa in final tehnologia dual-core din spatele chip-ului A5 s-a dovedit a fi mult mai buna, lucru de altfel perfect normal. Stiind ce ii astepata, cei de la HP au lansat totusi tableta pe piata, ea nu a avut parte de succes iar conducerea companiei a decis sa opreasca vanzarile. Interesant este ca inginerii de la HP au avut ideea de a testa propriul sistem de operare pe o tableta a concurentei dar mai interesant este ca un produs conceput pentru un alt sistem de operare ruleaza atat de bine WebOS. Cred ca multi s-ar bucura sa gaseasca o metoda de a rula WebOS pe orice tableta si un asemenea proiect ar avea mult succes.
This post was last modified on aug. 19, 2011, 6:22 PM 18:22