Video: AudioBrowser – browserul pentru iOS care citeste paginile web

       AudioBrowser este un proiect care asteapta finantare pe si care aduce pe iOS functia de citire a site-urilor web. Practic AudioBrowser ne permite sa incarcam o pagina web si in loc sa o citim noi o citeste browserul pentru noi. Functia text-to-speech implementata in acest browser functioneaza surprinzator de bine, dupa cum vedeti in clipul video de mai sus, insa desigur ca limba romana ramane o necunoscuta. Dezvoltatorul proiectului se lauda cu suport pentru peste 30 de limbi dar si cu peste 60 de voci diferite asa ca veti putea seta o voce noua pentru fiecare deschidere a browserului.

       Iata cateva dintre functiile AudioBrowser :

  • Text-to-Speech Web Browser – a browser with the ability to read any webpage out loud. (audiobrowser also supports PDF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, .txt, formats)
  • Smart Bookmarks – a very well designed bookmarking system similar to the iPod user-interface that auto-sorts bookmarks, making organization much easier.
  • WebPlayer – an iPod-like player for bookmarked webpages, that works in sync with Smart Bookmarks and the WebRadio.  WebPlayer lets you Play, Pause, Fast Forward, and Rewind webpages. Users also have the ability to create playlists with their bookmarks and play them like they play songs on an iPod.
  • WebRadio* – a feature that’s integrated with the WebPlayer and is similar to Pandora Radio. This feature will allow users to share bookmarks over a shared network, and create radio stations with the bookmarks they have saved. WebRadio will play articles according to the users likes and dislikes.
  • Social Network Integration – audiobrowser will give users the ability to be socially integrated by sharing webpages without ever having to leave audiobrowser. It will be integrated with twitter, facebook, digg, WebRadio and many more social networking sites.
  • Offline Browsing – When users save a bookmark, audiobrowser automatically saves an offline copy so users can view the webpage again without needing an internet connection. This is perfect for iPod Touch users and WiFi-only iPad users.
  • Fullscreen Browsing – When users are surfing the web, they could turn on the option to remove all toolbars, giving them up to 40% more viewing area.
  • On-the-Go Mode – gives users the ability to keep browsing the web while On-the-Go with hands free browsing, Voice Control, and Speech-to-Text technologies

     AudioBrowser face parte dintr-un proiect kickstarter care asteapta finantare si daca va intereseaza sa donati puteti accesa aceasta pagina.

This post was last modified on aug. 22, 2011, 10:48 PM 22:48

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