Guerilla Bob este unul dintre cele mai populare jocuri din App Store si in spatele sau sta o echipa de dezvoltatori romani care avut norocul de a colabora cu Chillingo, unul dintre cei mai mari producatori de jocuri pentru terminale mobile si nu numai. Aceeasi echipa de romani de la Angry Mob Games vine acum cu un joc nou numit
Muffin Knight pe care il aveti prezentat in clipul video de mai sus. Din pacate trailerul de prezentare este scurt, nu prezinta chiar atat de mult gameplay insa Muffin Knight pare a fi un joculet cu o poveste interesanta.On a leisurely stroll around the edges of forest, a young boy encounters a basket of delicious muffins. Demonstrating all the impetuousity of youth, the wee fellow goes to tuck in, his eagerness sparking an explosion that sees the cakes scattered across the landscape. Unfortunately for the little lad, the owner of the muffins is an old fairy who, aggrieved at her baked goods loss, transforms the boy into a knight via a curse. She promises to turn him back into a youngster if he can retrieve all 15 of her muffins. And so the platforming adventures begin, with the boy shapeshifting into a different creature every time he comes into contact with another muffin. Should you get stuck at any point in Muffin Knight’s single-player mode, you can dial up a friend and team up over local wi-fi.
Pe data de 1 septembrie 2011 jocul urmeaza sa fie lansat oficial in App Store insa deocamdata nu se cunosc detalii despre pretul sau.
This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 8:24 AM 08:24