In a previous hearing Samsung had agreed to delay the launch of the US version of the tablet until the end of this week and provide Apple with samples of a modified Australian version at least a week ahead of its sale date. Patent experts accurately predicted that Apple, which believes Samsung slavishly copied the iPad’s design, would not be satisfied with the modified Australian version.
Apple’s counsel said that while the modified version had “some reduced functionality” it “will still infringe”. They sought orders from the court re-affirming the previous block on sales of the US model and asked for a new order to prevent the sale of the Australian version at least until a hearing can take place at the end of September.
Decizia a fost luata de catre avocatii companiei Samsung care astazi au fost prezent intr-o sala de judecata pentru a apara compania asiatica in procesul intentat de catre Apple. Samsung dorea sa lanseze Galaxy Tab 10.1 pe 12 septembrie in Australia insa o noua infatisare in procesul intentat de catre Apple urma sa aiba loc doar cateva zile mai tarziu si pentru a evita o blocare a vanzarilor s-a luat decizia amanarii lansarii pana pe data de 30 septembrie. Practic Samsung a decis de buna voie sa amane lansarea pentru a nu risca o blocare a vanzarilor iar Apple nu a castigat nimic in instanta. Mai mult decat atat, Samsung a anuntat ca va oferi un preaviz de 48 de ore inaintea lansarii Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia desi in final s-ar putea sa nu fie nevoie de un asemenea gest.
Procesele dintre cele 2 companii vor ajunge in final sa creeze victime iar din pacate un companiile vor avea de suferit ci doar consumatorii.
This post was last modified on aug. 29, 2011, 7:44 PM 19:44