On Friday, Apple filed motions to stay in two of its various lawsuits with Motorola, arguing that the pending acquisition of Motorola Mobility (MMI) by Google has resulted in “a fundamental loss of Motorola’s patent rights”. One of the lawsuits was started by MMI in the Southern District of Florida (with both parties asserting six patents each), and the other one by Apple in the Western District of Wisconsin (with Apple asserting 15 patents and MMI asserting 6 patents). Under the merger agreement with Google, MMI is severely restricted in its ability to enforce its patents and negotiate settlements (as I’ll explain further below). Therefore, Apple’s lawyers argue that MMI currently lacks standing (meaning the right to sue).
Prin acordul incheiat intre Motorola Mobility si Google, toate brevetele de inventie detinute de prima companie au fost cedate catre Google impreuna cu dreptul de a le impune/apara sau de a incheia intelegeri cu privire la ele. Practic Motorola Mobility si-a pierdut capacitatea procesuala in procesele contra Apple iar avocatii companiei din Cupertino doresc o suspendare a proceselor pana la finalizarea achizitionarii Motorola Mobility de catre Google. Dupa finalizarea procesului de achizitie Apple va continua cel mai probabil procesele insa va avea de luptat impotriva companiei Google si lucrurile ar putea deveni foarte interesante.
This post was last modified on sept. 13, 2011, 4:10 PM 16:10