V-am spus astazi ca Gameloft va oferi gratuit un joc in cursul acestei zile si se pare ca Asphalt 6: Adrenalineeste titlul pe care compania a ales sa il ofere prin intermediul App Store. Versiunile pentru iPhone/iPod Touch a Asphalt 6 erau disponibila pentru 3.99/5.49€ pana astazi insa daca va grabiti veti avea ocazia de a descarcati aplicatiile fara a plati vreun ban in plus. Gameloft nu a anuntat inca pe propriul cont de pe Twitter promotia privind Asphalt 6: Adrenaline insa avand in vedere ca aplicatia este disponibila gratuit, este mai mult decat clar ca despre ele este vorba.
Asphalt 6: Adrenaline
Descriere: Asphalt 6: Adrenaline is now totally free for a limited time only!
Feel the thrill of racing like never before in the newest adrenaline-pumping edition of the Asphalt series.
Discover 42 cars and bikes from Ferrari, Lamborg…
Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD
Descriere: Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD is now totally free for a limited time only!
Feel the thrill of racing like never before in the newest adrenaline-pumping edition of the Asphalt series with new features specially designed to show off the full potential of the i…