Un fost manager al companiei Samsung a declarat in fata unei instante federale americane ca a dezvaluit informatii confidentiale despre tableta iPad inaintea lansarii oficiale din SUA. Managerul a recunoscut ca intr-o discutie cu un managerul unui fond de dezvoltare a dezvaluit cate touchscreen-uri au fost livrate catre Apple inaintea lansarii oficiale a tabletei iPad. Discutia dintre cei 2 a avut loc in luna decembrie a anului 2009 si fostul manager al Samsung sustine ca ea ar fi fost auzita de catre un angajat al companiei Apple.
One particular thing I remember vividly was that I talked about the shipment numbers of Apple, it was about iPad. This is in December 2009, before it came out with the tablet PC, they didn’t know the name then, so I talked to them about the tablet shipment estimates in that meeting.
Hwang said he quickly became concerned that they had been overheard by an Apple employee. “After I said it, I looked around,” he remarked. “The first thing I thought was ‘Wow, I said it too loud’ and then I really freaked out.”
Desigur ca managerul fondului de dezvoltare nu stia absolut nimic despre planurile companiei Apple iar fostul manager al celor de la Samsung a inceput sa devina nelinistit in legatura cu informatiile oferite dupa ce a sa companie a pierdut un contract important cu Apple. Avand in vedere modul in care cei de la Samsung pastreaza secretele companiei Apple, parca incep sa inteleg de ce atat de multe procese au fost pornite de catre compania din Cupertino.