9mm este un action game lansat de catre compania Gameloft in luna iulie in App Store si este din punctul meu de vedere unul dintre cele mai bune titluri din oferta companiei. Jocul are gameplay-ul inspirat din celebra serie Grand Theft Auto si desigur ca povestea are in prim-plan un politist american care este implicat intr-o lunga serie de lupte impotriva infractorilor din propriul oras. Grafica nu este extraordinara insa gameplay-ul compenseaza o parte dintre lipsuri. Imi place modulul “slow” implementat de Gameloft care imi aduce aminte de jocul Max Payne sau F.E.A.R. in care puteam sa omor adversarii dupa bunul plac in timp ce ei abia reuseau sa isi ridice arma. Imi place ca ai la dispozitie arme dintre cele mai diverse iar combinatia cu “slow mode” face totul mult mai placut. Ceea ce nu imi place este ca pe ecranul unui televizor jocul nu se vede chiar atat de bine si cred ca daca Gameloft ar fi construit jocul cu grafica 1080p si un modul diferit de control, 9mm ar fi avut un succes si mai mare.
Iata principalele caracteristici ale jocului 9mm :
• Dive headlong into stylish gunfights where you’ll jump, shoot and fire clip after clip in stunning slow-motion stunts to take out rooms full of criminals.
• The action really comes to life as destructible environments splinter and explode from the gunfire.ALL IN A DAY’S WORK
• You’ve got a dangerous job on your hands, so arm yourself with an arsenal of weapons, including a pistol, shotgun, submachine gun, grenade launcher and more.
• Set out to fight crime and corruption in varied locations like the Latino Suburbs, Night Club, Police Department, Rich Suburbs, Industrial Area and Mexico.
• You’ll need to catch gang leaders and informants alive, chasing them through city streets and taking them aside for a not-so-friendly chat in the interrogation challenge.THE FIGHT NEVER ENDS
Go online to join friends and other opponents in Free for All and Team Deathmatch gunfights for up to 12 players on 4 different maps.STREET BEATS
A hip-hop/rap soundtrack that intensifies the tone of the game, including established artists such as:
• Freeway & Jake One
• Beanie Sigel
• Apathy
Featuring a special in-game appearance by Freeway & Jake One.OPTIMIZED FOR THE iPAD 2! High definition graphics that fully utilize the power of the iPad 2.
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