Video: Dropbox refuza oferta de achizitie venita din partea companiei Apple


   Dropbox este una dintre cele mai populare servicii pentru incarcarea fisierelor “in the cloud” si compania Apple s-a aratat interesata de achizitionarea sa. Acum doi ani de zile co-fondatorii Dropbox au avut o intrevedere cu Steve Jobs in care acesta le-a propus sa le achizitioneze compania insa propunerea sa a fost rapid intampinata cu un refuz categoric. Cei doi co-fondatori nu erau dispusi sa isi vanda compania in acel moment si situatia s-a repetat cateva luni mai tarziu cand au primit o oferta de 800 de milioane de dolari din partea companiei Apple.

Jobs smiled warmly as he told them he was going after their market. “He said we were a feature, not a product,” says Houston. Courteously, Jobs spent the next half hour waxing on over tea about his return to Apple, and why not to trust investors, as the duo—or more accurately, Houston, who plays Penn to Ferdowsi’s mute Teller—peppered him with questions. […] When Jobs later followed up with a suggestion to meet at Dropbox’s San Francisco office, Houston proposed that they instead meet in Silicon Valley. “Why let the enemy get a taste?” he now shrugs cockily. Instead, Jobs went dark on the subject, resurfacing only this June, at his final keynote speech, where he unveiled iCloud, and specifically knocked Dropbox as a half-attempt to solve the Internet’s messiest dilemma: How do you get all your files, from all your devices, into one place? […] Houston’s reaction was less cocky: “Oh, s–t.” The next day he shot a missive to his staff: “We have one of the fastest-growing companies in the world,” it began. Then it featured a list of one-time meteors that fell to Earth: MySpace, Netscape, Palm, Yahoo. 

     Cei de la Dropbox nu au fost interesati sa isi vanda compania lui Steve Jobs dorind  sa o dezvolte si sa o transforme intr-una dintre cele mai puternice companii americane si incet incet reusesc acest lucru. In momentul de fata Dropbox este cel mai utilizat serviciu, pentru iDevice-uri, pentru partajarea fisierelor in the cloud si iCloud-ul companiei Apple nu indeplineste cateva functii esentiale ale Dropbox deci obliga utilizatorii sa foloseasca in continuare ambele servicii simultan. Daca Apple ar fi achizitionat Dropbox atunci iCloud ar fi aratat cu totul altfel si am fi avut integrat in iOS 5 un serviciu complet de partajare a fisierlor.