Video: Bill Gates vorbind despre Steve Jobs


  Saptamana trecuta v-am prezentat cateva cuvinte dure adresate de Steve Jobs fostului CEO al Microsoft, Bill Gates. Jobs a spus ca Gates este lipsit de imaginatie si ca acesta a furat produsele altor companii si le-a vandut ca fiind ale sale. Cuvintele lui Jobs au starnit destul de multe controverse in presa americana avand in vedere ca interactiunile dintre cei doi presedinti de companii au fost destul de rare si nu chiar atat de fructuoase. Ei bine Bill Gates vorbeste in interviul de mai sus despre relatia sa cu Steve Jobs si da o explicatie pentru cuvintele dure adresate de fostul CEO al Apple.

   In opinia sa, Steve Jobs a adus multe tehnologii noi pe piata dar nu a scos indeajuns de multi bani din ele pentru ca Apple oferea produse la preturi premium si fostul CEO a fost afectat de succesul pe care Microsoft l-a avut cu strategia sa de vanzari. Poate este asa, poate nu, cert este ca Bill Gates a fost rezervat cand a vorbit despre Jobs preferand sa nu foloseasca termeni la fel de duri despre cel alaturi de care a dezvoltat interfata calculatoarelor pe care le folosim astazi.

“Well, Steve and I worked together, creating the Mac. We had more people on it, did the key software for it.”

“So, over the course of the 30 years we worked together, you know, he said a lot of very nice things about me and he said a lot of tough things. I mean, he faced several times at Apple the fact that their products were so premium priced they literally might not say in the marketplace. So, the fact that we were succeeding with high-volume products, including a range of prices, because of the way we worked with multiple companies, its tough.

“At various times, he felt beleaguered. He felt like he was the good guy and we were the bad guys. You know, very understandable. I respect Steve, we got to work together. We spurred each other on, even as competitors. None of that bothers me at all.”