Video: Steve Jobs vorbind despre televizor si viitorul sau


   Ultimele zvonuri din cadrul companiei Apple dau de inteles a un televizor va fi urmatorul produs lansat de catre gigantul din Cupertino. Steve Jobs a spus in biografia sa ca a descoperit secretul dezvoltarii unui televizor cu adevarat bun pentru consumatori insa cu 13 ani inainte avea o parere complet diferita fata de un asemenea produs. In clipul video de mai sus Steve Jobs da cateva motive pertinente pentru care televizorul nu este inca indeajuns de bun si spuns ca producatorii de televizoare nu au inteles inca modul in care trebuie construit un asemenea produs.

    10 ani mai tarziu Steve Jobs isi relua ideile intr-o discutie cu Walt Mossberg la o conferinta All Things Digital insa 3 ani mai tarziu lucrurile se schimbau complet. Sa fi inteles Steve Jobs cum trebuie construit un televizor care va deveni extrem de popular in randul consumatorilor? Probabil ca da, nu ar fi prima oara cand Steve Jobs descopera cheia care face un produs extrem de iubit in randul consumatorilor. Mai jos aveti un extras din discutia lui Steve Jobs cu Walt Mossberg si eu unul sunt extrem de curios sa vad cum va arata un televizor produs de Apple.

The problem with innovation in the television industry is the go-to-market strategy. The television industry fundamentally has a subsidized business model that gives everybody a set top box for free, or for $10 a month. And that pretty much squashes innovation because no one is willing to buy a set top box. Ask TiVo. Ask Replay TV. Ask Roku, ask Vudu, ask us, ask Google in a few months. Sony’s tried, Panasonic’s tried, we’ve all tried. So, all you can do is add a box onto the TV system.

You can say, ‘I’ll add another little box with another one’. You end up with a table full of remotes, cluster full of boxes, bunch of UIs. The only way that’s ever gonna change is if you really go back to square one and you tear up the set top box and design it with a consistent UI and deliver it to the customer in a way they’re willing to pay for it. Right now there’s no way to do that. So that’s the problem with the TV market.

We decided, do we want a better TV or a better phone? The phone won out because there was a way to get it to market. What do we want more, a better tablet or a better TV? Well, probably a better tablet. But it doesn’t matter because there’s no way to get a TV to market. The TV is going to lose until there is a viable go to market strategy, otherwise you’re just making another TiVO.

That make sense?

It’s not a problem of technology, it’s not a problem of vision, it’s a fundamental go-to-market problem.

There isn’t a cable operator that’s national, there’s a bunch of operators. And it’s not like there’s GSM, where you build a phone and it works in all these other countries. No every single country has different standards. It’s very “tower of Babble-ish”, no that’s not the right word. Balkanized. I’m sure smarter people than us will figure this out.

But when we say Apple TV is a hobby, that’s why we use that phrase.