Cum a obtinut Apple succesul folosind o filosofie simpla

   Apple vinde unele dintre cele mai scumpe produse de pe piata si genereaza vanzari de aproape 100 de miliarde de dolari anual pentru ca oamenii le cumpara pe nerasuflate de indata ce sunt lansate in magazine. In spatele acestor venituri enorme sta o filosofie simplista care este aplicata de ani de zile pentru iDevice-urile, Mac-urile si software-ul vandut de catre compania Apple. Totul se rezuma la simplificarea lucrurilor complexe, la concentrarea pe un numar mic de produse care sunt facute cat se poate de bine, la curajul de a lua decizii grele si la capacitatea de a fi cei mai buni de pe piata intr-un anumit domeniu.

Focus—”It means saying no, not saying yes. We do very few things at Apple. We are $100bn in revenue with very few products. There are only so many grade A players. If you spread yourself out over too many things, none of them will be great.”

Simplicity—”Make complex things simple. A lot of people think it means take something simple and leave it at its core essence. But it isn’t that. When you start to build something, it quickly becomes really complex. But that is when a lot of people stop. If you really know your product and the problems, then you can take something that is complex and then make it simple.”

Courage—”Courage drives a lot of decisions in business. Don’t hang on to ideas from the past even if they have been successful for you. You don’t build a product just because everyone else has one. ”

Best—”If you can’t enter the market and try and be the best in it, don’t enter it. You need that differentiation. At Apple if we can’t be the best then we are not interested in it.”

   Cele 4 puncte de mai sus au fost explicate de Greg Joswiak in cadrul unei conferinte ce a avut loc in Marea Britanie astazi. Ceea ce explica el sta la baza succesului Apple de cativa ani buni si daca alte companii vor putea intelege macar o parte din filosofia Apple atunci s-ar putea sa afle ca succesul nu este chiar atat de greu de obtinut. Din pacate anul acesta produsele Apple nu s-au apropiat de perfectiune si vorbesc aici de iOS 5-ul companiei care a lasat milioane de utilizatori cu un gust amar dupa un update atat de mult asteptat.

This post was last modified on nov. 18, 2011, 5:51 PM 17:51

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