DisplayAir este un sistem, inventat de catre cativa studenti din Rusia, a carui menire este de a face uitat sistemul Kinect al celor de la Microsoft. Sistemul conceput de rusi permite utilizatorilor sa interactioneze cu interfate proiectate in plin aer, deci veti putea interactiona cu o tastatura in acelasi mod in care ati vazut actorii interactionand cu ele in filmele SF. Clipul video de mai sus prezinta intreaga tehnologie si rusii au folosit fum, o camera cu infrarosii si una capabila sa urmareasca gesturile utilizatorilor iar rezultatul este intr-adevar impresionant.
The company uses a stream of cold fog to project images onto it and an infrared camera to capture gestures. Unlike oversized body movements which Microsoft Kinect analyze and process using motion camera and infrared depth sensors, Displair solves a bigger challenge of detecting and interpreting finer movements of hands.
Yet Displair’s award-winning technology, developed in a student dormitory, has only 0.2 seconds lag time between gesture and computer reaction, compared to 0.1 second lag time of Kinect for Xbox 360, using up to 1500 points in its multi-touch screen system with 1 cm accuracy. Microsoft Research is also making advances in gesture recognition, as is demonstrated in the video here, however such technology is not commercially available yet.
Aparent tehnologia a fost dezvoltata de niste studenti in caminul unei facultati insa multumita unei companii ruse ea va ajunge probabil pe piata peste cativa ani de zile. Eu unul sunt impresionat de modul in care evolueaza tehnologia si sunt sigur ca peste cativa ani acest gen de interactiune va deveni o practica obisnuita pentru noi toti.
This post was last modified on nov. 23, 2011, 6:12 PM 18:12