Polarbit, dezvoltatorii celebrului titlu Reckless Racing, au lansat recent in Mac App Store o versiune pentru Mac OS X a jocului. In clipul video de mai sus avem o scurta demonstratie a modului in care functioneaza Reckless Racing pe Mac OS X si observati ca diferente majore fata de versiunea pentru iOS nu exista. Grafica pare sa fie aceeasi, controlul este desigur modificat si special facut pentru a permite utilizatorilor sa foloseasca o tastatura iar in ceea ce priveste gameplay-ul ne asteapta aceleasi misiuni.
Roaring engines, squealing tires and amazing graphics! We know y’all want it and we guarantee that Reckless Racing delivers.
Reckless Racing mixes old-school racing gameplay with state of the art graphics and multiplayer features to brew a mean gumbo that takes the genre to a whole ‘nother level. Perfectly balanced controls lets you skid, slip and slide through some of the most beautiful tracks that you ever did see – leaving nothing but mud-splattered opponents, skidmarks and chaos in your wake.
Reckless Racing pentru Mac OS X este disponibil pentru 2.99€ in Mac App Store.
Reckless Racing
Descriere: Roaring engines, squealing tires and amazing graphics! We know yall want it and we guarantee that Reckless Racing delivers.
Reckless Racing mixes old-school racing gameplay with state of the art graphics and multiplayer features to brew a mean gumbo that…