La foarte scurt timp dupa lansarea Infinity Blade 2 multi utilizatori au inceput sa se planga de faptul ca din joc le dispareau conturile cu salvarile caracterelor. Problema este mare, foarte multi utilizatori o intalnesc, echipa de la Chair stie de ea insa deocamdata nu a fost oferita vreo informatie oficiala cu privire la ea. Chiar si asa unii utilizatori par a fi gasit o metoda de a rezolva problema, desigur ca ea este neoficiala si ar putea sa nu va ajute in vreun fel insa merita sa o incercati macar.
1. What to do: start IB2, when options button will be accessible start a new character or just load any other slot (for this purpose I started a new character and won the first fight in order not to watch the intro every time you load this slot). After that, when you access game slots again, you will see you “lost slot”, start it. That’s it. I recommend you rename the hero in order not to mismatch slots
You may also want to find the iCloud docs folder on your Mac and find you saves there for back up whithout any iPhone Explorer (I made a shortcut in Finder for this folder, it’s like Dropbox now)
2. Bad news is that you cannot restart boss fight by a hard restart of IB2 like with GK in IB1. This hole is closed, you’ll have to replay from rebirth. But I tried just once, it could be just a glitch. Yes it loaded me before the fight with the tower Ix boss after hard restart, but after defeating him, after stats screen, flashing circle pointed not the way to Worker, but to the next fight with the same boss. But he was invisible and didn’t fight, blocked every my hit. The only way was to restart from rebirth. When I did everything from the first time, all worked.
Mai sus aveti intreaga explicatie si in esenta pentru a readuce la viata un cont aparent sters trebuie sa reveniti la meniul unde aveti caracterele, sa faceti un caracter nou, sa treceti de prima lupta apoi sa reaccesati acel meniu si veti vedea caracterul care a disparut. Rezolvarea este temporara deocamdata insa ea exista si o puteti utiliza in cazul in care intampinati aceasta problema.
This post was last modified on dec. 7, 2011, 11:55 AM 11:55