Video: Arma 2: Firing Range disponibil in App Store

Arma 2: Firing Range este un nou joc disponibil in App Store de aseara care ofera posesorilor de iDevice-uri posibilitatea de a testa diverse arme de foc direct de pe propriul terminal. Practic vorbim despre un simulator de arme in care utilizatorii au la dispozitie o selectie foarte vasta de arme de foc pe care le pot folosi pentru a distruge diverse tinte intr-un poligon de tragere. Fiecare arma are listate toate caracteristicile asa cum sunt ele prezentate de producatorii versiunii reale si teoretic in joc ar trebui sa avem o reprezentare a modului in care functioneaza arma in viata reala.

Iata principalele caracteristici ale Arma 2: Firing Range:

Arma 2: Firing Range is the ultimate firing range simulation on iOS, and lets you experience the extremely realistic Armaverse on your iPhone or iPad. Pick a weapon from dozens available. Examine it within an interactive 3D preview and study its specs – or try it out once!

The game features:

  • A huge array of existing weapons (e.g. the M9, the M16 and the VSS Vintorez)
  • Multiple firing ranges with different game modes
  • Accurate weapon visuals, sounds and ballistics
  • Career mode
  • Leaderboards & achievements
  • Additional firing ranges and weapons to be released

Arma 2: Firing Range este disponibil gratuit in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Arma 2: Firing Range



Developer: IDEA Games a.s.
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Arma 2: Firing Range is the ultimate firing range simulation on iOS, and lets you experience the extremely realistic Armaverse on your iPhone or iPad. Pick a weapon from dozens available. Examine it within an interactive 3D preview and study its specs – o…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 120.5 Mb

This post was last modified on dec. 15, 2011, 11:48 AM 11:48

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